Thursday, February 27, 2020

Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court's decision in Citizend Essay

Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court's decision in Citizend United and why What are the implications for political discourse in the U.S - Essay Example The financial support of a political post in a corporation is likely to influence corporate staff to engage in corrupt deals. One may not have enough resources to campaign for the seat, a factor that may influence them to engage in corruption to raise the required financial resources for the campaign. If the Court decision prohibited all forms of financial support for political candidates, candidates would learn to make their own personal efforts in campaigning and not rely on financial support from corporations (Abrams, 2011). This is an indication of able leadership by the political candidates who can sponsor their campaigns without external  financial  support at the same time; the decision encourages discrimination in contest for corporate political seats. It is not easy  that all the candidates win a political support from a certain organization. For this reason, the ruling seems to encourage discrimination in corporate leadership. Another reason that I disagree with the ruling is that it may interfere with transparency and accountability in elections. Some corporations may go as far as sponsoring election rigging to ensure that the preferred candidate wins the elections (Abrams, 2011). Election rigging may be one of the most serious problems in the economic and political development of corporations and nations when it is extended from the personal level to the corporate level. The  decision was one of the most surprising decisions in the political sphere of the country, especially given the sensitivity on union and corporate money being used to sponsor federal elections (Neuborn, 2011). Despite the fact the funding of federal campaigns by corporations was banned; the law is not easy to implement if political campaigns in corporations are treated differently. In my opinion, political campaigns need to be treated equally regardless of the level of the campaign, and the seat being contested. It is unfair to have financial sponsors for corporate

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Business Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Business Ethics - Research Paper Example The factors that contribute to climate change include volcanic eruptions, solar radiation variations on the planet earth and plate tectonics (Schneider et al, 98). This paper describes the roles that governments, businesses and their customers ought to play in ensuring the environment is conserved and the effects of climate change are reduced. The authorities should lead the efforts of conserving the environments by establishing appropriate pieces of legislation to monitor and control our daily activities and the wastes we produce (Pittock 53). Through the intervention of the government, issues like waste disposal may be regulated for the purposes of reducing the amount of pollution emitted to the environment and leaving it clean (Schneider et al, 105). They should lead environmental cleanup efforts by regulating the production of materials which are not recyclable. For instance, the governments around the globe should control the production and disposal of plastic bags since they do not easily decompose and cannot be recycled (Keijzers 145). The regulation of the effluents that come from factories should be put in place to avoid the pollution that they may cause on water masses, the air and soil. The pollution caused by wastes from factories is the major reason that the world’s climate is rapidly changing thereby bringing effects like global warming (Keijzers 143). In conserving their environments, governments should also lead environmental cleanup processes like the going green campaigns while advocating for the use recycle bins and bags that are reusable (Pittock 52). They should also lead efforts aimed at promoting the use of natural forms of energy like solar or wind that have minimal effects on the environment (Schneider et al, 112). By encouraging environmental cleanup and conservation efforts among their citizens, governments will have played a big role in ensuring emissions